Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Georgia's Dog Bite Law

If you were recently bitten or attacked by a dangerous dog, you’re probably wondering about your rights under Georgia’s dog bite laws. What if the dog has never bitten before? What if you were bitten while at a friend’s house? What if the dog’s owner is blaming you for the dog’s aggressive behavior? Read on as we explain Georgia’s dog bite law in further detail. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to contact our firm directly.

We’re the first to admit that dogs can be great companions, but that doesn’t mean that dogs can’t “snap” and bite or viciously attack an innocent person. After all, dogs are still animals. In many cases, a dog is made dangerous because of his or her interactions with humans. For example, a dog can become aggressive because they are not properly socialized from birth. This is common when a dog is attached to a chain or cord all their life and receive little, if any, human interaction.

Other times, a dog is physically abused, confined to a small cage all day long, or neglected by their owners. Sadly, when dogs are mistreated and abused, they become aggressive toward people and often other animals. In Georgia where there’s a lot of underground dog fighting, such dog owners are not only raising aggressive dogs, but they are knowingly creating legal liabilities. In other cases, a dog was given all the love in the world, but the dog developed aggressive behaviors anyways.

Does the Law Protect Me?

Like other states, Georgia has enacted a dog bite law, which can be found under Section 51-2-7 of the Georgia Code. In order for a dog’s owner to be held liable for any injuries caused by their animal, the injured party must be able to prove that:

  • The dog that bit or attacked them is dangerous,
  • The dog’s owner was careless and let their dog go at liberty, which caused the injury, and
  • The plaintiff did not provoke the dog.

Georgia law focuses on the dog owner’s negligence when determining liability. In other words, if the plaintiff can show that the dog’s owner failed to properly handle the dog and that failure caused the plaintiff’s injury, the dog’s owner should be held liable for the plaintiff’s injuries. For example, if a dog was known to be dangerous because it had bitten before and the dog’s owner allowed his dog to run loose around the neighborhood and the dog bit a child while she was riding her bicycle, the dog’s owner would likely be held liable for the girl’s injuries because he allowed his dangerous dog to run freely in the neighborhood.

To file a dog bite claim, contact our firm to schedule a free case evaluation with a Smyrna personal injury lawyer!

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